that is a new technology era in the school.
students are able to learn with m-edu.
thru phones, they are able to look at the pictures and videos of the topic that is taught by teachers.
dictionary apps help them to improve their vocabulary and solve their problems easily.
thru the wiFi in the school, students are able to search for info easily too.
hp helps students to communicate with parents, help parents to find their children and to prevent them from playing truant or waste their time with bad activities.
this secure them from involving in bad activities.
demerits ~
thru phone , SMS in the classroom will occurs frequently.
vibrations and ringtones in the classroom or even the keypad sound may disturb the lessons.
camera on the hp will be used to capture the picture or video of students or even teacher and been uploaded to facebook to be joked or spread . cyber bully may occur. those victim may emotionally get hurt.
besides, pornography videos maybe shared among the students and affect their morality to involve in free sex . curiousity may bring them closer to the devil.
some students that are not from rich family may get affected. those who dont have a hp may ask their parents to buy them one. this heavier the back of parents to work harder. some ppl are still using keypad-phones but but not smartphone.
key-pad type does not mean useless, still we can text , call, capture photos, videos, online, play mp3 and videos and so forth.
but that is more convenience to have a smartphone.
old phones are thrown aside to have new. wastage of materials may increase.
not only hps..
ipad, tablets, laptop and the other high-tech eqps will be soon become popular among teenage.
to have money to own the eqps , they may involve in bad activities just to own them. social cases may increase.
they might oso go and have a part-time job. and this may effect their study.
the price of these high-tech eqps may have a rise in demand and may effect the marketing and economical stability.
samsung galaxy series, sony ericsson , and apple are all from foreign country. those Msia made eqps mayb thrown aside.